Tag Archives: Bioinformatics

Bioplatforms Australia – CSIRO Metagenomics Workshop (February 6-7, 10-11 2014)

Bioplatforms Australia and CSIRO conducted an “Introduction to Metagenomics” workshop last February 6-7, 2014 at University of New South Wales and February 10-11, 2014 at Monash University. The workshop was aimed for bench biologies with no or little experience in Bioinformatics using publicly available data resources and toolsets.

As per previous Bioplatforms Australia workshops, the Metagenomics workshop was delivered using the Monash node of the NeCTAR Research Cloud infrastructure – R@CMon. Cloud provisioning tools used in previous workshops have been reused to provide a seamless virtual desktop training platform.

The R@CMon team worked with Bioplatforms Australia, CSIRO and EMBL-EBI in producing an appropriate cloud image and toolset for the workshop. Some of the tools used in the workshop are QIIME, FastQC, and InterProScan.

Given the success and popularity of the training, R@CMon has begun work with Bioplatforms Australia and other nodes of the NeCTAR Research Cloud to scale the training environment with trainees as they progress from taking the course, to taking the training environment home with them, to preparing for production genomics facilities.

The trainees have the following to say about the 2-days workshop:

“Everyone is very helpful and the content was clear and concise. I thank everyone for getting this program up and running and I would definitely like to return for similar courses.”

“Definitely a fantastic & informative 2-days. I definitely feel that most of what I learned today can be directly applied to the molecular work I am currently engaged in.”

“Good amount of hands on to actually see what happens during the analysis of big data, most of what was taught was very clear and concise. good range of programs were used, only wish there was more time to go through more analyses.”

“I strongly recommend this as a complete course for students or beginners in NGS analyses.  i think the first metagenomic workshop is a winner.”

“Definitely this course has provided me a great basis to look at future data sets.”

“Well ran, good materials, virtual machine made life easy.”

Bioinformatics Training on R@CMon

A multidisciplinary partnership between Monash eResearch Centre and Bioplatforms Australia has provided a broadly accessible solution to delivering hands-on bioinformatics workshops with seamless access to cloud computing using the new NeCTAR Research Cloud infrastructure.

Running hands-on bioinformatics workshops in Australia has previously been hampered by the lack of specialised bioinformatics training facilities and a paucity of skilled trainers to develop and deliver these courses.

To improve the bioinformatics skills of bench scientist now faced with handling gigabyte size datasets generated by next-generation sequencing technologies, Bioplatforms Australia and CSIRO have been collaborating to advance bioinformatics expertise among Australian ‘omics researchers.  Through an international partnership with the EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute in the UK, a cutting-edge three-day Australian hands-on NGS workshop has been created. This course introduces bench scientists to quality control of NGS data, alignment, ChIPSeq, RNASeq and de novo assembly workflows and software.

Professor Paul Bonnington, Director of the Monash eResearch Centre and the R@CMon team contributed to this training initiative through the development of a cloud computing-based NGS bioinformatics training platform based on the open source bioinformatics software package CloudBioLinux. The platform allows sharing of data, tools and applications and enables trainers anywhere in the world to readily work together to develop and test new workshop material.

The Bioplatforms Australia Next Generation Sequencing workshop platform enables compute-intensive NGS training courses to be easily delivered and accessed widely around Australia and requires very little local IT expertise or need for high end computational hardware. The first hands-on workshops using the NGS workshop platforms were held in July 2012 at Monash University in Melbourne and at University of New South Wales in Sydney. To date 10 workshops have been delivered around Australia in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra to 345 trainees.

The team of trainers from Bioplatforms Australia and CSIRO in collaboration with EBI-EMBL and Monash eResearch Centre are currently developing a metagenomics 2-day workshop using a bespoke metagenomics image built by R@CMon. This course will be run at University of New South Wales in Sydney on the 6-7 February 2014 and at Monash University on the 10-11th February 2014.

Monash University is one of the nodes of NeCTAR‚ a research cloud platform, a landmark investment that will extend the advantages of high-performance computing and high capacity networks to Australian researchers. This exciting initiative provides on-line access to scalable computational power and data storage allowing a new realm of data sharing and collaboration.

The Bioplatforms Australia Next Generation Sequencing workshop platform is now freely accessible on the NeCTAR research cloud and provides access to hundreds of bioinformatics software packages.

Further information on the Bioplatforms Australia Next Generation Sequencing workshop platform is available from Catherine Shang, Bioplatforms Australia at cshang@bioplatforms.com. Contact Prof. Paul Bonnington, MeRC Director for further details and assistance on e-research solutions.


Using the NeCTAR Research Cloud for Delivering Hands-on Bioinformatics Training (Adelaide)

A 1-day training workshop is scheduled for September 27, 2013 in Adelaide.

The training workshop aims to provide attendees relevant hands-on experience in using the NeCTAR Research Cloud for Bioinformatics.
The R@CMon team will be helping in the delivery of this workshop.

For more detailed information (contacts, venue, registration) on the training workshop, visit this BIG SA page.

Upcoming Software Carpentry Bootcamp for Bioinformaticians (Adelaide/Melbourne)

Two Software Carpentry Bootcamps are scheduled for September/October 2013.

The bootcamps are designed for Bioinformaticians to improve their productivity through good programming and software development practices.
The bootcamps will be held in Adelaide on September 2013. and Melbourne on October 2013.
It will be delivered using the NeCTAR Research Cloud and we, the R@CMon team, will be assisting in these bootcamps.

The bootcamps are supported by the following organisations:

Visit the Australian Bioinformatics Network site for details on the bootcamps

More information about the Adelaide bootcamp can be found here.
More information about the Melbourne bootcamp can be found here.

Visit the Software Carpentry site for more information about Software Carpentry and future international bootcamps.