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3D Stellar Hydrodynamics Volume Rendering on R@CMon Phase 2

Simon Campbell, Research Fellow from the Faculty of Science, Monash University has been running large-scale 3D stellar hydrodynamics parallel calculations on the Magnus super computing facility at iVEC and Raijin, the national peak facility at NCI. These calculations aim to improve 1D modelling of the core helium burning (CHeB) phase of stars using a novel multi-dimensional fluid dynamics approach. The improved models will have significant impact on many fields of astronomy and astrophysics such as stellar population synthesis, galactic chemical evolution and interpretation of extragalactic objects.

The parallel calculations generate raw data dumps (heavy data) containing several scalar variables, which are pre-processed and converted into HDF5. A custom script is used to extract the metadata (light data) into XDMF format, a standard format used by HPC codes and recognised by various scientific visualisation applications like ParaView and VisIt. The stellar data are loaded into VisIt and visualised using volume rendering. Initial volume renderings were done on a modest dual core laptop using just low resolution models (200 x 200 x 100, 106 zones). It’s been identified that applying the same visualisation workflow on high resolution models (400 x 200 x 200, 107 zones and above), would require a parallel (MPI) build of VisIt running on a higher performance machine.

Snapshot of turbulent convection deep inside the core of a star, volume-rendered using parallel VisIt.

Snapshot of turbulent convection deep inside the core of a star that has a mass 8 times that of the Sun. Colours indicate gas moving at different velocities. Volume rendered in parallel using VisIt + MPI.

R@CMon Phase 2 to the rescue! The timely release of R@CMon Phase 2 provided the required computational grunt to perform these high resolution volume renderings. The new specialist kit in this release includes hypervisors housing 1TB of memory. The R@CMon team allocated a share (~50%, ~460GB of memory) on one of these high memory hypervisors to do the high resolution volume renderings. Persistent storage on R@CMon Phase 2 is also provided on the computational instance for ingestion of data from the supercomputing facilities and generation of processing and rendering results. VisIt has been rebuilt on the high-memory instance, this time with MPI capabilities and XDMF support.

Initial parallel volume rendering using 24 processes shows a ~10x speed-up. Medium (400 x 200 x 200, 107 zones) and high-resolution (800 x 400 x 400, 108 zones) plots are now being generated using the high-memory instance seamlessly, and an even higher resolution (1536 x 1024 x 1024, 109 zones) simulation is currently running on Magnus. The resulting datasets from this simulation, which are expected to be several hundred gigabytes in size, will then be put in the same parallel volume rendering workflow.

Stock Price Impact Models Study on R@CMon Phase 2

Paul Lajbcygier, Associate Professor from the Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University is studying one of the important changes that affects the cost of trading in financial markets. This change relates to the effects of trading to prices, known as “price impact”, which is brought by wide propagation of algorithmic and high frequency trading and augmented by technological and computational advances. Professor Lajbcygier’s group has recently published new results supported by R@CMon infrastructure and application migration activities, providing new insights into the trading behaviour of so-called “Flash Boys“.

This study uses datasets licensed from Sirca and represents stocks in the S&P/ASX 200 index from year range 2000 to 2014. These datasets are pre-processed using Pentaho and later ingested into relational databases for detailed analysis using advanced queries. Two NeCTAR instances on R@CMon have been used initially in the early stages of the study. One of the instances is used as the processing engine where Pentaho and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 are installed for pre-processing and post-processing tasks. The second instance is configured as the database server where the extraction queries are executed. Persistent volume storage is used to store reference datasets, pre-processed input files and extracted results. A VicNode merit application for research data storage allocation has been submitted to support the computational access to the preprocessed data supporting the analysis workflow running on the NeCTAR Research Cloud.

Ingestion of pre-processed data into the database running on the high-memory instance, for analysis.

Ingestion of pre-processed data into the database running on the high-memory instance, for analysis.

Initially econometric analyses were done on just the lowest two groups of stocks in the S&P/ASX 200 index. Some performance hiccups were encountered when processing higher frequency groups in the index – some of the extraction queries, which require a significant amount of memory, would not complete when run on the exponentially higher stock groups. The release of R@CMon Phase 2 provided the analysis workflow the capability to attack the higher stock groups using a high-memory instance, instantiated on the new “specialist” kit. Parallel extraction queries are now running on this instance (close to 100% utilisation) to traverse the remaining stock groups from year range 2000 to 2014.

A recent paper by Manh Pham, Huu Nhan Duong and Paul Lajbcygier, entitled, “A Comparison of the Forecasting Ability of Immediate Price Impact Models” has been accepted for the “1st Conference on Recent Developments in Financial Econometrics and Applications”. This paper highlights the results of the examination of the lowest two groups of the S&P/ASX 200 index, i.e., just the initial results. Future research and publications include examination of the upper group of the index based on the latest reference data as they come available and analysis of other price impact models.

This is an excellent example of novel research empowered by specialist infrastructure, and a clear win for a build-it-yourself cloud (you can’t get a 920GB instance from AWS). The researchers are able to use existing and well-understood computational methods, i.e., relational databases, but at much greater capacity than normally available. This has the effect of speeding up initial exploratory work and discovery. Future work may investigate the use of contemporary data-intensive frameworks such as Hadoop + Hive for even larger analyses.

This article can also be found, published created commons here 1.

MCC-on-R@CMon Phase 2 – HPC on the cloud

Almost a year ago, the Monash HPC team embarked on a journey to extend the Monash Campus Cluster (MCC), the university’s internal heterogeneous HPC workhorse, onto R@CMon and the wider NeCTAR Australian Research Cloud. This is an ongoing collaborative effort between the R@CMon architects and tech-crew, and the MCC team, which has long-standing and strong engagements with the Monash research community. Recently, this journey has been further enriched by the close coordination with the MASSIVE team, which will enhance the sharing of technical artefacts and learnings between the two teams.

By September 2014, the MCC-on-the-Cloud has grown to over 600 cores, spanning across three nodes on the Australian Research Cloud. Its size was only limited because the Research Cloud was full and awaiting a wave of new infrastructure to be put in place. Nevertheless, Monash researchers from Engineering, Science, and FIT have collectively used over 850,000 CPU-core hours. Preferring the “MCC service”, they have offered their NeCTAR allocations to be managed by the MCC team, rather than building a cluster and installing the software stack by themselves. From the researchers’ perspective, this has the twofold benefit of providing a consistent user experience to that of the dedicated MCC and freeing them from the burden of managing cloud instances, software deployment, queue management, etc.

Deploying a usable high-performance/high-throughput computing (HPC/HTC) service on the cloud poses many challenges. Users expect a certain robustness and guaranteed service availability typical of traditional clusters. All this must be achieved despite the fluidity and heterogeneity of the cloud infrastructure and nuances in service offerings across the Research Cloud nodes. For example, one user reported that jobs were cancelled by the scheduler because they exceeded the specified wall time limits, and we subsequently discovered that some MCC “cloud” compute nodes were running on oversubscribed hosts (contrary to NeCTAR architecture guidelines). Nevertheless, we can declare that our efforts have paid off – MCC-on-the-cloud is now operating and delivering the reliable HPC/HTC computing service wrapped in the classic MCC look-and-feel that Monash researchers have come to depend on. Despite the many challenges, we are convinced that this is a good way to drive the federation forward.

Now with R@CMon Phase 2 coming online, we have taken a step closer towards realising this aim of “high-performance” computing on the cloud. Equipped with Intel Ivy Bridge Xeon processors, R@CMon Phase 2 hardware stands out amidst the cloud of commodity hardware on most other NeCTAR nodes. These specialist servers are already proving invaluable for floating-point intensive MPI applications. In production runs of a three-dimensional Spectral-Element method code, we observed performance of nearly double on these Xeons as compared to the AMD Opteron nodes across most of the rest of the cloud, even when hyper-threading is enabled. By pinning the guest vCPUs to a range of hyper-threaded cores on the host, we achieved a further 50% performance improvement; this is effectively over 2.6x improvement to the “commodity” AMD nodes. We look forward to implement this vCPU pinning feature once it is natively supported in OpenStack Juno, the RC’s next version.

Measured performance improvement with a production 3D Spectral Element code R@CMon Phase 1: AMD Opteron 6276 @ 2.3 GHz                 Phase 2: Intel Xeon E5-4620v2 @ 2.6 GHz

Measured performance improvement with a production 3D Spectral Element code
R@CMon Phase 1: AMD Opteron 6276 @ 2.3 GHz
Phase 2: Intel Xeon E5-4620v2 @ 2.6 GHz

Thus, our journey continues… Once RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) is enabled on Phase 2, accelerated networking will make it feasible to run large-scale, multi-host MPI workloads. Achieving this will take us even closer to a truly high-performance computing environment on the cloud. Look out for MCC science stories and infrastructure updates soon!

R@CMon Phase 2 is here!

Back in 2012 our submission to NeCTAR planned R@CMon as being delivered in two phases. First a commodity phase, letting the ideals of en masse computing dominate technical choices. We have been operating phase 1 since May 2013. Our new specialist second phase went live in October! R@Cmon phase 2 (R@CMon RDC cell) scales out high-performing and accelerating hardware as driven by the demands of the precinct. Often ‘big data’ is just not possible without ‘big memory’ to hold the problem space without going to disk (x100 slower). Often ‘more memory’ is the barrier, not ‘more cores’. Often ‘I need to interact with a 3D model’. And so on. R@CMon is truly now a scalable and critical mass of self-service, on-demand computing infrastructure. It is also the play-pit where research leaders can build their own 21st century microscopes.

NeCTAR monash-02 rack-rear

One of the four racks of NeCTAR monash-02. From top to bottom: Mellanox 56G switches, management switch, R820 compute nodes, R720 Ceph storage nodes

In addition to phase 1, phase 2 has –

  • 2064 new Intel virtual cores
  • 3 nodes with 1TB of RAM
  • 10 nodes with GPUs for 3d desktops
  • 3 nodes (the large memory ones) with high-performance PCIe SSD
  • All standard compute nodes mix SAS & SSD for low-latency local ephemeral storage
  • All nodes with RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access – the stuff that makes fast, large-scale, multi-node HPC jobs possible) capable networking

As with phase 1, the entire infrastructure is orchestrated through OpenStack and presented on the Australian Research Cloud. R@CMon is once again pioneering research cloud infrastructure, virtualising all these specialist resources.

Over the next week we’ll blog with emerging examples of GPUs, SSDs and 1TB memory machines…

R820 1TB RAM compute node

One of the specialist nodes – a quad-socket R820 with 1TB RAM and high-performance PCIe-attached flash

MyTardis + Salt on R@CMon

The Australian Synchrotron generates terabytes of data daily from a range of scientific instruments. In the past, this crucially important data often ended up on old disk drives, unlabelled and offline. This makes sharing and referencing of the data very difficult if not impossible. MyTardis was developed as a web application geared towards receiving data from scientific instruments such as those at the Australian Synchrotron in an automated fashion. This enables researchers to facilitate the organisation, long-term archival and sharing of data with collaborators. MyTardis also allows researchers to cite their data. This has been done for publications in high impact journals such as Science and Nature. Refer to this previous post highlighting Australian Synchrotron’s new data service using MyTardis, R@CMon and VicNode

A data publication for Astronomy

A data publication for Astronomy

Deploying MyTardis for development use or on a multi-node cloud setup is made easier with the use of automated configuration management tools. MyTardis is now using Salt for its configuration management, which is gaining popularity for its accessibility and simplicity. More information about deploying MyTardis on various platforms and how it uses Salt is available in this story. The following diagram provides an overview of MyTardis deployment architecture on the NeCTAR Research Cloud.

MyTardis Deployment Architecture

MyTardis Deployment Architecture

Since its creation, development and deployment of MyTardis have expanded to other universities, scientific facilities and institutions to fulfil the data management requirements across research areas such as microscopy, microanalysis, particle physics, next-generation sequencing and medical imaging. An up-to-date list of scientific instruments integrated with MyTardis is included in this story on the MyTardis site.